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Secret Panera Orange Scone Recipe

To price your homemade Panera Orange Scones, factor in ingredient costs like flour, butter, and orange zest. Consider additional expenses for glaze ingredients such as powdered sugar and vanilla bean paste. Include labor costs based on prep time and intricacy of the recipe. Calculate overhead costs like electricity and water usage during baking. Determine a reasonable profit margin by adding a percentage on top. Account for packaging expenses if selling. Research local market prices for scones to maintain competitiveness. Balancing costs with fair pricing guarantees your scones are both appealing and profitable. Be sure to establish a pricing strategy that reflects your efforts.

Ingredients for Orange Scones

To make Panera Orange Scones, gather all-purpose flour, oat flour, sugar, real cream butter, heavy cream, vanilla bean paste, fresh orange juice, and zest. These ingredients come together to create a delightful citrusy treat that's loved by many.

The dough for these Glazed Orange Scones requires the perfect balance of butter for richness and heavy cream for moisture. The fresh orange zest adds a burst of flavor that complements the sweetness of the scone.

When baking these Panera-inspired scones, make sure you use quality ingredients like cold butter and heavy cream to achieve that light, moist, and flaky texture. The real cream butter imparts a rich flavor, while the fresh orange zest enhances the citrus essence of the scone.

Experimenting with different types of oranges or additional flavors can customize the scones to suit your taste preferences. So, gather your ingredients and prepare to bake a batch of delicious Panera Orange Scones!

Zesting Tips for Fresh Oranges

For efficient zesting of fresh oranges, consider using a Microplane zester. This tool allows you to finely grate the outer orange peel, extracting the flavorful orange zest without getting the bitter white pith underneath.

When zesting an orange, aim to collect the zest of one whole orange, which typically yields around 2 to 3 tablespoons. This vibrant zest is crucial for infusing the citrus flavor into your scone dough and glaze.

Proper zesting technique involves gently running the zester along the orange's skin, being careful not to press too hard and reach the bitter layer.

Making the Scone Dough

baking scones from scratch

Consider incorporating the vibrant orange zest, along with flour, sugar, butter, and heavy cream, to create the flavorful scone dough for Panera's renowned orange scones.

When making the scone dough, it's crucial to grate cold butter into the flour mixture to achieve a flaky and light texture in the final product. Mix the ingredients until just combined, being careful not to overwork the dough to maintain a tender texture.

Once the dough is ready, gently form it into a disc shape. Then, cut the dough into triangles to shape the scones.

For best results, freeze the scones before baking them. Freezing helps the scones retain their shape and results in a better texture when baked.

Forming and Cutting Scones

Shape the scone dough by gently patting it into a circle about 1 inch thick. Using a sharp knife or bench scraper, cut the circle into 8 even wedges. To guarantee a clean cut, dip the knife or scraper in flour before slicing through the dough.

Remember not to twist the knife while cutting to maintain the scones' shape and allow them to rise properly during baking. Once the scones are cut, arrange them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. This step helps prevent sticking and ensures even baking.

Glazing the Orange Scones

baking delicious orange scones

To add a burst of citrus flavor and sweetness to your orange scones, prepare the glaze using powdered sugar, orange zest, melted butter, vanilla bean paste, and orange juice.

Mix together powdered sugar, a generous amount of freshly grated orange zest, and a splash of orange juice for a vibrant citrus flavor.

Incorporate melted butter into the mixture to add a rich and creamy texture to the glaze.

Elevate the depth of flavor with a touch of vanilla bean paste, balancing the sweetness with a subtle complexity.

Drizzle the glaze over the cooled scones, allowing it to cascade down the sides for a visually appealing finish.

The glaze acts as the finishing touch, providing a burst of flavor that complements the scones' light and airy crumb, elevating them to a sweet delight.

Tips for Successful Glazing

For successful glazing that heightens the flavor of your orange scones, mastering a few key tips is essential. Begin by zesting an orange to enrich the fresh citrusy taste in both the dough and glaze. The zest of one orange usually yields around 2 to 3 tablespoons, providing a punch of orange flavor to your glaze.

When preparing the glaze, adjust the consistency by adding more half and half or powdered sugar until you reach your desired thickness. Experiment with different glaze variations such as cream cheese or powdered sugar icing to personalize the sweetness of your scones.

To make sure you get the best results, apply the glaze to cooled scones. This method allows for ideal texture and flavor absorption. By following these glazing tips and customizing the sweetness level of your glaze, you can create orange scones that are bursting with citrus flavor and perfectly balanced sweetness.

Variations and Flavor Substitutes

diverse flavor combinations explored

Consider experimenting with different flavor substitutes and unique variations to enrich your orange scone baking experience. Here are some ideas to inspire your creativity:

  • Cranberry Orange: Add dried cranberries to the scone mix for a tart and sweet flavor combination.
  • Chocolate Orange: Mix in chocolate chips or cocoa powder to create a decadent twist on the classic orange scones.
  • Almond Orange: Incorporate almond flour or almond extract for a nutty undertone that complements the citrusy notes.
  • Gluten-Free Options: Use gluten-free flour mixes, oat flour, or almond flour to cater to dietary preferences without compromising on taste.
  • Citrus Variations: Experiment with different citrus fruits like lemon or lime to add an invigorating and zesty kick to your scones.

Freezing and Storing Scones

You can prolong the freshness of your scones by freezing them before baking. When dealing with Panera Orange Scones, freezing before baking is a great way to store them for future enjoyment. By freezing the scones before baking, you lock in their freshness and flavor, ensuring they taste just as delicious as when they were initially made.

After baking, store the scones in an airtight container at room temperature for 1-2 days to maintain their texture and taste.

To thaw frozen scones, simply take them out of the freezer and let them sit at room temperature until they're fully thawed. Once thawed, you can proceed with glazing and serving for best taste.

Proper storage techniques and freezing before baking are key to ensuring your Panera Orange Scones remain delicious and ready to enjoy whenever you crave them.

Baking Tips for Perfect Scones

perfect scones baking tips

To achieve perfect scones with a flaky texture, make sure your ingredients, especially the butter, are kept cold throughout the baking process.

Here are some baking tips for perfect scones:

  • Improve: Avoid overworking the dough to maintain a light and airy texture in your scones.
  • Chill the Dough: Before rolling and cutting the dough, chill it to preserve the butter's integrity and create distinct flaky layers.
  • Zesting an Orange: Improve the citrusy flavor by zesting an orange, adding freshness to both the dough and the glaze.
  • Adjusting Glaze Consistency: When preparing the glaze, tweak the thickness by adding more half and half or powdered sugar until you reach the desired texture.
  • Cream: Incorporate cream to add richness and moisture to the scone dough, ensuring a tender crumb.

Serving Suggestions for Orange Scones

For a versatile and delectable treat, explore different serving suggestions that complement the citrusy goodness of your homemade orange scones. Experiment with different glazes like cream cheese icing or powdered sugar to elevate the flavor of your scones.

To intensify the citrus taste, add more orange zest to the dough or glaze, boosting the scone's flavor profile. For a richer topping, serve your orange scones with sweet orange butter as an alternative to traditional glazes.

Consider a delightful contrast of flavors by pairing your scones with lemon curd or preserves. For a fun twist, create mini scones by cutting the dough into smaller pieces, perfect for sharing or snacking.

These serving suggestions will add a burst of flavor and creativity to your orange scones, making them a delightful treat for any occasion. Enjoy the zesty goodness of your scones with these complementary options that cater to a variety of tastes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Substitute Fresh Oranges With Orange Extract in This Recipe?

When baking, consider flavor options like orange essence for citrus substitutions. Ingredient variations can affect texture preferences, so adjust recipes accordingly. Taste testing is key for scone improvements. Try different baking techniques for best results.

How Can I Prevent My Scones From Turning Out Too Dry?

To control moisture in scones and avoid dryness, adjust ingredient ratios, consider buttermilk alternatives, watch baking time and temperature, add orange zest for flavor, master glazing methods, guarantee proper mixing, store correctly, and delve into creative recipe variations.

Can I Use a Different Type of Flour for This Scone Recipe?

You can experiment with different flours like almond, coconut, whole wheat, pastry, cake, or self-rising flour in the scone recipe. Try almond, lemon, or vanilla extract for a twist. Substitute buttermilk if needed for a unique flavor.

Do I Need to Let the Scone Dough Rest Before Baking?

You should let the scone dough rest before baking. This step helps improve the dough consistency, allowing for better scone texture. It also helps the flavors meld together. Consider the resting time, as it impacts the final product.

Can I Add Nuts or Dried Fruits to the Scone Dough for Extra Flavor?

Looking to jazz up your scone game? Absolutely! Incorporating nuts or dried fruits into the dough can create nutty enhancements or fruity twists. Experiment with flavorful mix-ins for unique scone variations and tasty combinations. Go ahead and customize!


Now that you have mastered the art of making delicious Panera-inspired orange scones, it's time to share your creations with others.

Whether you're selling them at a local farmers market or offering them to friends and family, be sure to price your baked goods appropriately.

Consider factors such as ingredient costs, time spent baking, and market demand to determine a fair and competitive price for your delightful treats.

Happy baking!

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